Silver 4 interconnect review by Vladan Milosavljevic

Today we receive a great recommendation and excellent review of Silver 4 interconnect from our satisfied customer who have “just” 35-year audiophile experience! Thank you Mr. Milosavljevic we really appreciate your support and may all your wishes come true. We also invite other Way Cables friend to share impressions with us!
Dear Miroslav – Nune,
During several days of listening trial of all Way Silver interconnect cables I was thrilled how they performed and I bought a Silver 4 model. Superior sound quality (by my criteria – 35-year audiophile experience) greatly exceeds its price. He brings out maximum from components that connect. This cable saved me buying a new CD transport, because it shown that CD only needed uncompromising interconnection link (it could be also Silver 3, but I could not ignore benefits of model 4).
Of course, I also tested how they work on others analog and digital lines in my system and the sound was always dramatically better! This interconnect has a rare traits. It works excellent in all tonality areas and musical genres. Silver 4 provides the highest resolution sound, majestic separation of instruments in the orchestral performing and spacious stage. Its impressive transparency and (micro) dynamics did not cause any loss of a sound body and weight. I did not notice harmful and sharp trebles, but I am sure of its many virtues… Surely, we always think that exist a better interconnect cable, but I have not found flaw of Silver 4.
Silver interconnects needs serious review and I recommend them to all lovers of good sound, which is only goal uncompromising quality. Congratulations to Miroslav and team, which does not give up in today difficult circumstances. I hope that Way Cables will get support they deserve and that their products will achieve an international reputation.
p.s. Cable is extremely flexible and useful for the handling. I really did not expect meticulously made and “state of the art” products in the full sense of that phrase.
Vladan Milosavljevic
Belgrade, December 15, 2014